Do you or someone you know struggle with addiction, anxiety, depression, anger, shame, or hopelessness? Do you long to be free from the chains of these heavy burdens? Just know, you are not alone. There are many of us who struggle just like you, but we have found The Solution. Come and join us for the Freedom weekend conference as we share our stories of deliverance and hope.

Aberdeen Pentecostal Holiness Church is partnering with Sandhills Adult & Teen Challenge, Evangelist Danny Byrd, along with four Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clinicians to provide The Real solution to breaking free from bondage.

Freedom’ weekend begins Friday, September 16th at 7 p.m. with worship, and a special presentation from Sandhills Adult & Teen Challenge. We will continue Saturday at 9 a.m. with five speakers who will share their stories of deliverance through Jesus Christ and proven strategies that lead to freedom. We close out the weekend on Sunday morning at 11 a.m. with Evangelist Danny Byrd.

We believe that ‘the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.’ (2 Cor. 3:17)

To register for this event, click here.

Chasty King is a Certified Drug & Alcohol Counselor and Peer Support Specialist who works with Phoenix Counseling. Chasty graduated Gaston College with an Associate Degree in Applied Science and majored in Human Services Substance Abuse Technology. She is the President and Co-founder of The Calling, Inc., which is an outreach ministry that is focused on helping those experiencing homelessness, incarceration, and/or addiction. In addition, she is a small business owner, author, and a public speaker who shares her life experiences with the world. She also is an ordained evangelist in the office of five-fold ministry. Her mission is to make a difference in people’s lives, not to be noticed but to make a noticeable difference.

Shannon Sheppard is a grateful redeemed daughter of Christ Jesus. She comes to us from Gateway Assembly of God in Barnwell, South Carolina. Shannon is the wife of Pastor Jamie Sheppard and the mother of 4 amazing children Nick, Candace, Summer, and Vivian, and 2 handsome little grandsons Callum & Nolan. She works as a Recovery Coach at Axis I Center of Barnwell and is currently working towards her bachelor’s degree in Psychology at Liberty University. Shannon has been sharing her story of redemption since she was released from prison in 2013 and has a God-given burden for broken women, especially ones that have experienced childhood trauma. Shannon has been free from the grips of drug and alcohol addiction for 9 years now only by the Grace of God! In these last 9 years, she has been on a strong pursuit of healing and growing in God’s Holy Word. Shannon strives to help others find a path of healing and to encourage positive change. She experienced a radical encounter with the Holy Spirit inside of a prison cell in early 2013 after other inmates and prison ministers began reading the bible and sharing scripture with her. After she was set free and walked out of those prison gates, God spoke this verse to her heart… “Go back to your home and tell all that God has done for you” Luke 8:39. She strives every day to live that scripture out in her daily life, sharing the message of hope is what it is all about.

Rhonda Nordan has worked with community agencies as a therapist and a supervisor for around 15 years. She has worked with individuals in not only agency work but also in the church that struggle with areas such as addiction, depression, and anxiety, physical and sexual trauma. Her focus is to help others overcome personal obstacles and help to improve their wellbeing along with their relationships with those that they love. Prior to her counseling work she gained invaluable experience as a missionary, school teacher as well as working with students with disabilities. Her educational experience is BS in Ministry, BS in Psychology, and MS in Mental Health Counseling with a focus on Marriage and Family Therapy. She has her clinical licensure as a LCAS and CCS (Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist and Certified Clinical Supervisor). Her passion involves reaching those that are struggling. She believes that pain and obstacles from the past are the groundwork used to create something beautiful.

Kaila Iniguez is a grateful believer in Jesus Christ and a recovering heroin addict. At a young age her life started to take a turn for the worse when she started harboring away hurts, and made the conscious decision to turn away from God at 13. Kaila knows now, that was the first mistake she made, but it was not the last. Those hurts festered into an addiction that started at 15 and turned into a fierce heroin addiction that almost took her life in different ways. A few examples of those ways were an abusive relationship where a man almost killed her twice, an overdose, a plot to kill, and a prison sentence. But God! In April 2019, while incarcerated, she cried out to the Lord and He lifted her out of her self-dug pit. Kaila says “I may not have surrendered, but I definitely gave up.” Her exact words, as she lay on that metal bunk were “Ok, God. I give up! Only you can save me now.” And on April 24, 2019 the Spirit of the Lord stepped into cell 221 in Cumberland County Jail, and she felt more freedom than she had ever felt in her life. From that moment, the song Amazing Grace has forever been engraved on heart, a flame was lit inside of her, and she now has the burning desire to help ignite that same flame within someone else. Kaila’s life is far from perfect, but today she gets to have life and life more abundantly, and she knows it is all because of Jesus Christ. Today, she knows and understands that addiction is a symptom of something much deeper and darker. She believes that this verse–her life verse–says everything we need to know about being free from hurts and addiction: For who the Son sets free, is free indeed! John 8:36

When you look at Rev. Danny Byrd’s life, it can be described as this…from the prison, to the pulpit, to the mission field. The prophet Jeremiah said it this way in Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Tragedy struck early in Danny’s life with the loss of his parents at the age of three. He was raised by his grandmother who died when he was 17. When introduced to drugs and alcohol early in his teens they seemed to provide an answer to the painful experiences in his life. Unfortunately, this introduction led to 27 years of drug addiction. At the age of 32 Danny married Tina, but during the first five years of marriage they were together less than a year. The enemy sought to destroy Danny as he held him in tight captivity, but God had another plan. Just when Danny thought he had reached the bottom, he got arrested in 2009. It was in a cold jail cell that the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart and asked, “Where are you going to run to now?” It was then, beside a steel bed in the Harnett County Jail, that he knelt down and surrendered his heart to God. Immediately he was saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost! From there he went to Potter’s Wheel in 2010 for regeneration. His family was restored by the Grace of God. His marriage was mended and renewed. Danny was called to preach. Danny and Tina together began the process to be credentialed ministers in the Church of God in 2014. They attended and completed the Ministerial Internship Program in 2015 and became credentialed ministers in the Church of God with Danny going on to reach the rank of Ordained Bishop with the Church of God in May of 2018. Danny and Tina have been blessed in their ministry as they have seen hundreds of people saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. They have traveled all over the US and abroad ministering wherever the door has been opened; to include Ecuador, Mexico, and Africa.  The enemy had a path of destruction for Danny, BUT GOD…Before He formed Danny in the belly, He knew him; and before Danny came forth out of the womb He sanctified Danny, and He ordained Him to be a prophet unto the nations.

Amanda Utz was raised in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia in a home of chaos and physical abuse. At 17 she was sexually assaulted on multiple occasions by someone she knew. At 20 years old, she discovered opioids after a major surgery and this began an 18 year long love affair with many substances including methamphetamine and alcohol. At 38, she was rescued from her pit of darkness by the director of the Shenandoah Valley Adult/Teen Challenge. In the year she spent in this program, she met Jesus. She faced her past and heard a promise from Him that He had a purpose and a plan for her future. Today she is almost 3 years clean and sober and has an intimate and personal relationship with the One who rescued her from that pit. She attends an amazing church with an amazing church family where she serves on their guest services team. Amanda loves to worship and very often hears and feels God through music. In addition, she has an overwhelming desire to write about her experiences in her blog at Chronicles21 and share what God has done for her with others who struggle. Amanda believes that there is no pit too deep from which Jesus can rescue anyone. Amanda is an overcomer through the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ.

Adult & Teen Challenge of Sandhills, NC is a residential faith-centered, long-term recovery program for individuals struggling with life-controlling addiction.

*To register for this event, click here.

For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17