Hi there! I’m Amanda, a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. And I struggle with drug and alcohol addiction, codependency, pride, and control…just to name a few. 😉

About me? Well, hmmm… I’m a week away from turning 40 years old as I write this, and I am absolutely stoked about that. I never should’ve made it to such a huge birthday, yet here I am! Only by the grace of God, folks!

Why am I so stoked? Well, because I lived in active addiction for 18 years and came so close to death I could smell its putrid breath. Then…I met Jesus. And He turned my world upside down in the BEST way. I owe Him every bit of credit. I owe Him every bit of glory, honor, and praise. I owe Him my life.

I won’t give too much away about myself in this little blurb because the purpose of my blog is to do that. For now, I will tell you that I have a HUGE family that has prayed for me and supported me through the years of my running and rebellion. I know that many of them were on their knees as I was at death’s door. I also have a pretty amazing circle of friends that cheer me on, pray for me, laugh and cry with me, and just sit with me through this process called ‘recovery’.

The purpose of this blog is actually 4-fold. 1. The ‘About Me’ revealed. 2. My own healing through writing. 3. Helping others to heal by showing them they’re not alone in their struggles. And 4. Revealing the grace, sovereignty, majesty, glory, and BIGNESS of the God who saved me from a life of certain death.


Join me as I travel through the past. Walk with me as I experience the beautiful and messy moments of my present. And run with me towards an eternal hope for the future.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. <3

So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God’s wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 5:21 NLT