By July 18 in the eleventh year of Zedekiah’s reign, the famine in the city had become very severe, and the last of the food was entirely gone. Then a section of the city wall was broken down, and all the soldiers fled. Since the city was surrounded by the Babylonians, they waited for nightfall. Then they slipped through the gate between the two walls behind the king’s garden and headed toward the Jordan valley. Jeremiah 52:6-7 NLT
This morning I find myself slowly rising up out of the rubble that is the last eleven days.
And, I’m tired.
Not just physically tired. But mentally and emotionally, as well.
So I opened the Word early this morning and earnestly prayed, Lord, speak to me. Give me something to take throughout my day.
And, He did. Oh, how I love Him so.
In the above passage of scripture, this is what I saw. The fall of Jerusalem was imminent, and Judah’s defenses were weakened–even more severely than they already were–by hunger. As a result, a section of wall was broken down so that the surrounding Babylonian’s could easily make entry and finish the job of the city’s destruction.
Over the last two weeks, I have worked myself into the ground because of a need I was trying to meet for my employer…and then a need that was temporarily being met in myself. My daily devotional time became a box to check instead of nourishment for my hungry soul. I was reading every day but because I was more focused on my day and what I was trying to accomplish or who I was trying to impress, that time normally spent in fellowship with Jesus became empty calories, so to speak. Consequently, my attitude began to really suck and temptations normally held at bay were allowed to creep in ever so cunningly.
A section of my defenses was torn down and the enemy of my soul was given access to the most vulnerable parts of my life…because of hunger.
I know that my God is sovereign. He can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, however He wants. But, He’s not going to force feed me. He’s not going to hold me down and shove His Word, His mercy, His grace, and His presence down my throat. He wants me to hunger for it and then seek it out. And I certainly have hungered for all of that over the last two weeks, but I didn’t seek it out in order to be filled. Instead, I let the world fill me up in areas I don’t find myself proud of as I sit here typing out my thoughts.
So…here I sit this morning, earnestly seeking to be filled up with what I’ve lacked as of late.
What does Matthew say?
“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7 NLT
I’m overwhelmed at the Lord’s love for me because part of my fellowship with Him this morning included Psalm 144, and the first two verses knocked my socks off.

Praise the Lord, who is my rock. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle. He is my loving ally and my FORTRESS, my TOWER of safety, my rescuer. He is my shield, and I take refuge in Him. He makes the nations submit to me. Psalm 144:1-2 NLT
How about that for a stark contrast to what I read in Jeremiah? He is my FORTRESS, and my TOWER of safety.
This morning my hunger for Him is being filled with His loving discipline for my actions over the last 11 days, yet I do not feel shame or guilt as He corrects me. Instead, I feel wrapped in waves of His unconditional love as He loves me enough to show me where I went wrong.
So…we’ve had a heart-to-heart, I’ve asked for His forgiveness for letting the world creep in through my weak defenses, and I’m trading my ‘Martha’ apron for a spot on the floor at His feet. I’m soaking Him up today and delighting in His generosity in pouring out to me the virtues of His character I’ve been seeking: His grace, mercy, love, and sweet presence in my life.
Oh Lord, thank You for who You are to me. Thank you for speaking to me through Your Word and drawing me back to Yourself. Let me stay wrapped in the safety and refuge of Your arms today. I choose You. Amen
❤️ I too have and can easily fall into a pattern of eating empty calories! I so badly want to sit at my Saviors feet and soak Him in. Your transparency allowed me to reflect and search my heart and motives❣️Thank you for sharing
Thank you for letting me share. ❤