There is a longing in my heart for people to know God like I do. There are moments it becomes an ache within myself from which I cannot escape. Especially when I think of a few people I care deeply for who only see God as a giant in the sky, much too big to care about us little people down here. If only I could show them Jesus the way I know Him; the way I feel Him; the way I see Him.
I didn’t always know God like I do in this moment. Two and a half years ago, I wasn’t even sure he existed, and if He did, I was convinced of the same thing: He didn’t care a lick about me.
In Genesis 16, I read that Hagar was put in the middle of Abraham and Sarah’s lack of faith when she was given to Abraham to bare him a child. She didn’t ask for nor invite the misery she found herself in when Sarah began to treat her so harshly. She ran to the wilderness to escape the harsh treatment of her mistress where an Angel of the Lord found her and spoke to her. It was in that place that Hagar named God, El-Roi: The God Who Sees Me.
Who was Hagar but a lowly servant girl? Yet, God saw her.

Unlike Hagar, I sat in the wilderness of my own making 2.5 years ago. I had invited every ounce of heartache, despair, and anguish that I experienced. Yet, God saw me. As I look back on the number of years I ran from Him and towards a life of recklessness and sin, I can see where He was mindful of me even then.
I can’t move past this feeling this morning of being seen by the God of the universe.
Who am I that I am known and loved by a God who is Omniscient? Who am I that God is aware of what I had for breakfast this morning, yet also knows the deepest longings of my heart? Who am I that He knows my thoughts before I do yet isn’t surprised by them? Who am I that He cares about my future and prepares me today for what He has planned for me tomorrow?

Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin would look on me with love and watch me rise again?
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea would call out through the rain and calm the storm in me?*
Who am I that He saw me in the wilderness of my own making and came to rescue me from it anyway?
I can tell you that I am nothing without Jesus. The very fact that He is so mighty and powerful yet chooses to know me so intimately is beyond my comprehension and is the very reason I desire to know Him so much more.
Where is your faith today? Do you see God as a giant in the sky who doesn’t have time for any of your problems–big or small? Or do you know Him as the God Who Sees you…because I promise you He does. Wherever your faith is today, be encouraged that He knows you. He sees you. He hears you. And He loves you more than you could ever imagine.
You are His.

Not because of who I am, but because of what You’ve done
Not because of what I’ve done, but because of who You are
I am a flower quickly fading, here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I’m calling, Lord, You catch me when I’m falling
And You’ve told me who I am
I am Yours.*
Lord, I pray for whoever is reading this post. Reveal Yourself to the person who doubts You. Speak into the hearts of Your children and make known to them the depth of Your love through the Cross that displayed Your mercy. I pray that Your Holy Spirit ignites a fire in hearts all over the world. Thank You for seeing us, Lord, and offering us freedom when we seek You with all our hearts. Amen
*Excerpts from Who Am I by Casting Crowns. Hear the song here.
Truly He sees me even in my low estate and is mindful of me. Thank you Lord for seeing me!