Beauty For Ashes

Beauty For Ashes

Photo by Ivan Torres on This morning I sit in my pj’s, reclined back against the wall, wrapped in my prayer shawl, laptop on my lap, and I remember… I remember leaving the darkness of my pit of addiction and walking into the unknown and...
Vantage Points

Vantage Points

July 17, 2021 The music from my neighbors house tonight pushed me so close to the edge of insanity by dinnertime that I had to get away from it before I blew my stack on an innocent bystander in my home. So I found myself at my favorite place once again seeking quiet,...


Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on I visited my least favorite kind of doctor this morning: the dentist. There’s something about scraping and drilling and poking around anywhere in my mouth that makes the little hairs on the back of my neck stand up and...
Hope In The Wreckage

Hope In The Wreckage

Today is my birthday. Today, I am 40 years old. It’s so surreal when I think about it, but it’s true… I’m the big 4-0. Up until yesterday, I was absolutely ecstatic to be celebrating such a ginormous milestone birthday because I should never...
Free to Chase Dandelions

Free to Chase Dandelions

Memorial Day is the most challenging day of the year for me. This whole weekend holds bitter and sweet memories that I have not been able to escape in sobriety. So, here I sit to write it all out. Perhaps healing will unfold for me as I do. On a cool spring evening in...